Solar panel & Battery Specialist
Complaints Handling Policy
1. Our Commitment
1.1 At Solar Plant Pty Ltd which is licenced to use the Solar Plant (“we”/“us”/“Solar Plant”), we strive to deliver quality service and the best possible products for our customer’s needs.
2. Policy
1.2 We understand there may be situations when you may feel dissatisfied with the services or productsthat we provide and you may wish to make a complaint. This Complaints Handling Policy is intended to ensure that we handle complaints effectively and in a timely manner.
3. Definitions
3.1 For the purposes of this policy:
(a) Complaint means an expression of dissatisfaction made to or about us, relating to our products,services, staff or our handling of a complaint, where a response or resolution is explicitly orimplicitly expected or legally required;
(b) Complainant means any person, organisation or their representative making a complaint.
4. How to make a complaint
4.1 You may make a complaint:
4.1.1 Via our website (further instructions are provided in Appendix A);
4.1.2 By calling us on 1300 319 866;
4.1.3 By writing to us addressed to the “Complaints Handling Officer” by email to or by post to Level 1, Suite 9, 247 Macquarie Street, Liverpool, NSW 2170.
5. Principles of objectivity
5.1 Your complaint will be handled in an equitable, unbiased and objective manner. We aim to resolve the complaint without assigning blame.
5.2 We shall comply with the below principles when managing your complaint:
5.2.1 Impartiality – We will avoid any bias in dealing with your complainant, the person you complain about or Solar plant.
5.2.2 Confidentiality – We will treat your identity confidentially.
5.2.3 Completeness – We will investigate all of the facts in handling the complaint;
6. Three level model of complaint handling
6.1 Our complaint management system incorporates three levels of complaint management:
6.1.1 Level 1: Frontline complaint handling – early resolution
6.1.2 Level 2: Internal assessment, internal investigation, facilitated resolution or review
6.1.3 Level 3: External assessment, investigation, ADR or review.
6.2 Our aim is to resolve the majority of complaints at the first level-the frontline. At each level either thecomplainant or we can decide to escalate the issue to a higher level. However there may be seriouscases where either party can escalate the case to the highest level.
6.3 Level 1: Frontline complaint handling – early resolution
6.3.1 It is our aim to address the majority of complaints by frontline or early resolution.
6.4 Level 2: Internal assessment, internal investigation, facilitated resolution or review
6.4.1 The seriousness of some complaints will be escalated to the second level of complainanthandling. Or if a complainant is dissatisfied with how their complaint was handled at Level 1,they can request that the complaint proceed to the second level. Internal assessment - The information provided by you will be assessed to determinewhether, and if so how, the complaint can be dealt with by Solarplant. Such an assessment might consider such issues as- the nature and seriousness of the matters alleged; the complainant's desired outcome; whether there is any utility in taking the matter further; the adequacy of the information provided; the options available to address the complainant's concerns; the appropriate level at which the matters alleged or complained about can be addressed by Solar plant; Internally facilitated resolution - Where Solar plant’s line manager talks with you to see if some form of mutually acceptable resolution can be achieved. Where appropriate, this processmay include facilitating a discussion between the frontline staff member, line manager and the complainant. Internal investigation - Investigating allegations that raise significant issues for either Solar Plant or you. Depending on the circumstances, such investigations may be undertaken by an appropriate manager or an external advisor. Internal review - A more senior member of staff or a line manager may review the decision of the frontline staff member or the outcome of any internal assessment or investigation of thecomplaint. Appropriate senior staff should be given a broad discretion to overturn previous decisions and apply remedies.
6.5.1 If we are unable to resolve your complaint in Level 1 and/or Level 2, or if you are dissatisfiedwith the outcome that we have made in Level 1 and/or 2, then you may refer the matter as follows: Consumer Affairs/Fair Trading
If you are not satisfied with the outcome of your complaint, you may refer your complaint to with the relevant Consumer Affairs/Fair Trading office from the following list.
NSW: Fair Trading Phone: 13 32 20
Postal: PO Box 972, Parramatta 2124
ACCC: Australian Competition & Consumer Commission Phone: 1300 302 502
Postal: GPO Box 3131, Canberra ACT 2601 Court or Tribunal
In the event that you are still not satisfied with the outcome of your complaint by Consumer Affairs/Fair Trading, then you may approach the relevant Court or Tribunal in your State/Territory.
7. Complaints register
7.1 All complaints, and outcomes of each complaint will be logged in our Complaints Register.
8. Keeping you informed
8.1 We will advise you as soon as possible of receipt of your complaint and the expected timeframe for resolution of that complaint.
9. How long will we take to deal with your complaint
9.1 We will advise you of the outcome of your complaint within 21 days of receipt.
9.2 However where additional time is required we will inform you of the need for more time to completethe investigation and we will complete the investigation within 45 days of receipt of the complaint.
10. No cost
10.1 There is no cost involved to you for making a complaint to us.
11. Unreasonable conduct
11.1 Complaint conduct is likely to be unreasonable where it involves behaviour which, because of its nature or frequency, raises substantial health, safety, resource or equity issues for Solar Plant or its staff. Examples include unreasonable behaviour (eg verbal abuse to our staff), unreasonablepersistence, unreasonable demands, unreasonable lack of cooperation.
11.2 We kindly request that complainants treat our staff with respect at all times.
12. Acknowledgments
12.1 This policy has been drafted taking into account the Australian and New Zealand Standard Guidelines for complaint handling in organizations AS/NZS 10002:2014.
13. Review
13.1 We will review this policy regularly.
1. Go to our website
2. Click on "Support," then select the "Support & Maintenance" option from the dropdown menu at the top of our website.
3. You will then be directed to our Support page:
5. After you have selected please fill in your Full Name, Mobile number, email id, property address and Order No/Quotation number and then write your massage t in thesection “Enter Your Description”. You can also attach a file/document if you wish to do so foreg a photograph of you inverter screen showing a fault code.
6. Once you have completed the form, click “Submit”: